Community workers are essential in the battle against the coronavirus

Welcome back to the blog of Southern. In this post we are going to explain why we understand that the employees of our neighbourhood communities are essential in the battle against the coronavirus that we fight every day.

Community employees are essential in the face of Covid 19

The employees who ensure that the normality of our homeowners' associations is maintained on a daily basis are essential to the balance of our coexistence as well as in the daily fight against covid.

One of the battlefields where the pandemic is being fought is in homeowners' associations and residential buildings, because that is where the vast majority of people live. 

It is up to us to appreciate all the workers in our communities and in our residential areas who have continued to work to keep many important services active for the communities.

Community employees keep essential services for the community active.

There are certainly many more "key workers" in these new times. I am referring to employees in residential areas, who carry out essential activities to fight the coronavirus.

Doormen and caretakers, who are the original pillars of the residential areas and play a very important role in the battle against the coronavirus. As such, they continue to carry out their work, subject to the Royal Decree-Law 10/2020of 29 March, as set out in the Annex on essential activities: 

"18. Those providing cleaning services, maintenance, carrying out emergency repair work and security, as well as those providing services for the collection, management and treatment of hazardous waste, as well as solid waste in urban areas, hazardous and non-hazardous, decontamination services and transport and removal of everything related to the Public Sector, as established in article 3 of Law 9/2017 of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts". 

Royal Decree-Law 10/2020 of 29 March 2010

The basic function of the employees of the residential estates is: the care, maintenance, cleanliness and safety of the communal services. They also ensure that the order, tranquillity and safety of the building's inhabitants are not disturbed. 

What are the basic functions of urban residential estate employees?

In the current situation, the vast majority of the population spends 24 hours a day in their homes. Therefore, it is more necessary than ever for buildings to have all their services working perfectly. And the employees of residential properties are responsible for this. 

Naturally, cleanliness becomes an absolute priority: access doors, lifts, call buttons, handrails, knobs and handles must be cleaned several times a day, using the correct disinfectants. 

Along with this, employees in the surrounding areas must ensure that they limit the misuse of common areas (garages, terraces, gardens, etc.). 

Employees essential communities against coronavirus

Concierges and doormen are the daily support for many elderly people. 

Under normal circumstances, porters and caretakers are a great support for elderly residents living alone. This support becomes essential in today's circumstances. Employees in residential areas are the infantry when assisting members of this vulnerable part of the community. Shopping for them, taking any medicines they may need, keeping an eye out for mishaps, preventing unnecessary visits and talking to them daily on the intercom must be part of the daily routine of these professionals to better safeguard the elderly members of our communities. 

 Although these tasks are not directly referenced in their job descriptions, it is an act of solidarity that each of them carries out to the best of their abilities. For all these reasons, the employees of the urban real estate deserve the recognition of our society and should be taken into account when it comes to solidarity applause.  

A new reality also in neighbourhood communities

These months have been very different from what we had thought only a few weeks ago. We have been cooped up and restricted in our movements for almost three months, and we have all learned to live differently. We have become accustomed to working at home (those of us who can) and living together within our neighbourhood communities.

But despite these setbacks, let us cultivate hope, let us appreciate the little things. And within those things let's appreciate quite a few professions that have been invisible to us until now, although they have always been there.  

Health workers, policemen, firemen, soldiers, truck drivers, food handlers and supermarkets have become relevant to us. They fulfil essential functions in this new way of life that we need to get used to.

Meridional would like to express this in these words and we call on all concerned to collectively pay tribute to their silent work when this storm passes. 

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